192 | Business World Magazine |
February 2013
lion’s share of credit for the company’s cur-
rent diversified, if not dominating, emer-
gence in so many industries.
As Lowe says, “This brought in a fresh
set of eyes, a collage of learning and knowl-
edge from different backgrounds, which
could be brought to the organization and
used as a means of growing the organization
to the next level.”
Check, who has been with the com-
pany for almost 20 years, explains the tran-
sition this way: “What I saw in the older
family-style of operations, divisions were
being run as individual, autonomous profit
centers. The new management team central-
ized operations, created a standardization in
quality systems, cost estimating systems, and
communications… where before, each divi-
sion may have adopted own practices, but
now those are shared so we can grab common
efficiencies… from a technology perspec-
tive… as a solution is to share, so that other
divisions gain those efficiencies as well.” The
team took further steps by investing in tech-
nology and equipment to provide dynamic
engineering, tools and resources.
A critical component was creating
a five year strategic plan, designed as Lowe
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