February 2013
| Business World Magazine | 179
lost his job, but decided to go and work with
his son.The two battled for business through
that economic era, with Alva not only tak-
ing orders, but also making the cuts accord-
ing to customer specifications and delivering
the goods wherever they needed to go. They
not only survived the economic turmoil of
that era, but also prospered. Alva’s two sons,
Don and Bob Howard, matured, and in
time, also took on duties at the business. Yet,
Bob Howard determined to answer another
call to duty, joining the U.S. Army. Upon his
honorable discharge in 1957, Bob returned
to Milwaukee where the company’s new effi-
ciencies in copper prompted a name change
to Howard Brass & Copper.
By the early 1970’s, Bob Howard had
glimpsed into the future envisioning poten-
tial opportunities with aluminum applica-
tions. It took some convincing, but he talked
his father into making the necessary invest-
ments leading to expansion and purchase of
new equipment which included high-end
saws. Bob Howard became particularly fas-
cinated with the sawing side of operations.
Over time, he developed his own variety of
blades whose proprietary design creates a
saw tolerance and finish recognized as one
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