February 2013
| Business World Magazine | 181
She says the Howard’s will frequently
invest in what is considered “the Buick of the
industry,” then rebuild it because they can’t
get manufacturers to build them saws exactly
the way they want. Having equipment that
no one else in America has access to, has giv-
en Howard Precision Metals an advantage in
creating tolerance and efficiencies that An-
derson says, “no one can match.” This con-
notes to precision sawing of +/-.005, and a
guarantee that the product will be square,
which has helped their customers save both
time and money.
Having survived and thrived amidst a
growing market place of huge distribution
chain, Anderson says the company recogniz-
es itself as a small fish in a very large ocean,
but it has defined itself well enough to allure
customers from a variety of industries. “We
are certainly not the biggest Aluminum dis-
tributor out there, but our vendors or fran-
chise suppliers want Howard as a distributor
because we add value to their product. Mills
want to be aligned with service centers that
represent their product with a positive im-
age and Howard is known in the market for
producing the tightest most consistent toler-
ances on cut plate and bar in the industry,”
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