February 2013
| Business World Magazine | 175
dards will increasingly compel manufac-
turers to rely on aluminum extruders like
Whitehall for light-weighting of vehicles.
He says with every ten pound reduction in
vehicle mass, fuel efficiency has been discov-
ered to increase by six to eight percent, a fac-
tor that gives aluminum a leg-up over other
As much as client’s benefit from his
expertise and leadership of an organization
whose efforts are so synonymous with qual-
ity, Yogen also offers quality insight on the
importance of manufacturing in America.
“I am firm believer that this nation
needs to have a strong middle class… there
needs to be good paying jobs and manufac-
turing that has to be here for America to
remain an economic power… you can’t out-
source everything and stay a superpower,” he
And though he was raised in India, there can
be no mistaking certain Michigan-minded
influences when Yogen makes a final point
– “Some people think that products can’t be
made in America economically, but I say that
is bullshit. We can produce goods that are of
better quality for a better price better than
anywhere else in the world.”
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