170 | Business World Magazine |
February 2013
Upon taking over the company, Yogen deter-
mined to provide employees with the neces-
sary tools to bolster productivity and quality
control. He invested in state-of-the-art ro-
botics, new machining such as 5 axis CNC
machines and stamping presses, as well as
one of the industry’s most sophisticated
computer systems to better track produc-
tion, product integrity, inventory and more.
Bottle necks in production were eliminated
and efficiencies increased. Beyond the mil-
lions spent in new equipment and technol-
ogy, Yogen also improved overall factory en-
vironment by refurbishing employee spaces
to further boost morale.
All combined to reinvigorate and re-
establish Whitehall as one of today’s most
respected suppliers of aluminum extrusions
and machine fabrications. Amazingly, the
company has grown from employing just
over 200 to more than 500 whose efforts
are exacted not only at two plants in Michi-
gan, but also another factory in Mexico. The
company operates some 70 CNC machin-
ing centers that have 3, 4 & 5 axis machining
capability. There is also the V12 Trunnion
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