April 2013 - page 204

204 | Business World Magazine |
April 2013
visiting with truckers and logged an equal
amount of mileage over the phone lines to
secure new accounts. The business not only
survived, but blossomed and ultimately went
on to surpass Keith Titus’ best year of sales.
And when Debbie Titus determined it was
time to find a new controller for the company,
she didn’t have to think too hard about who
to appoint. Piper had just earned her CPA li-
cense when she got the call from her mother.
“I had originally planned to work somewhere
else, but my mother can be very convincing...
she told me I had ten minutes to make-up my
mind or she was going to hire someone else
and it would be years before I would have the
opportunity again,” says Piper.
Today, for all its range of equipment, mar-
ket penetration and vast network of owner/
operators with which it works, Page Truck-
ing functions as a family business. The fam-
ily values of respect, trust and commitment
are imparted to customers and staff alike - in
fact, it is this, perhaps, that has been most in-
tegral to growing the company.
“We value every driver here as part of our
family... we feel that we have an obligation
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