April 2013 - page 205

April 2013
| Business World Magazine | 205
to them and we have to ensure that they’re
successful because when they are, every-
thing else falls in line, and our business can
be successful,” explains Piper. In accounting
of those drivers, Pipers concedes there are
some who were especially supportive when
her father died, who stayed loyal to the com-
pany even when life was at its worst. As this
is something that she and her family has nev-
er forgotten, Piper explains that respect and
admiration for truckers isn’t simply mea-
sured in professional terms, but a quality she
regards as profoundly personal.
In helping to ensure that drivers stay suc-
cessful, Page Trucking went as far as estab-
lishing a million dollar fund at their local
bank to assist those who might need loans to
purchase new equipment. Piper explains that
a number of drivers had encountered prob-
lems when they tried to access small vs larger
financing plans. Banks might offer financing
in the $100,000 range, but not necessarily
for smaller purchases of $30,000 and less.
To bypass that issue, Page Trucking created
a low interest program specifically to accom-
modate the needs of these truckers. “One of
the rewarding aspects of our job is getting
to help people start or grow their business,”
says Piper. The program has allowed owner/
operators to expand their fleets or invest in
their own trailers and build equity in their
small business.
On the operations side, where as some
transport companies are investing heavily
in the purchase of sophisticated monitor-
ing technology to systematically track and
measure driver performance, Piper says Page
Trucking relies less on such processes, lik-
ening it to micromanagement. She says the
company places more value on investing
in quality people than quality technology.
Technology is essential to company opera-
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