April 2013 - page 194

194 | Business World Magazine |
April 2013
ship and direction for the 3PL industry and
professionals to advance professional stan-
dards, business practices, and the overall im-
age and credibility of the profession and its
contribution to society.
As part of their advocacy role, the Trans-
portation Intermediaries Association works
hard to protect their businesses from harm-
ful regulation. To do that, they provide a
strong voice for the industry to congress, the
Obama administration, states, courts, ship-
pers, carriers and various international orga-
They have developed and maintained
a positive relationship with the federal gov-
ernment over the years. As a result, TIA
has been very effective in promoting their
members’ interests through a number of suc-
cessful policies they’ve worked on. “We do a
very good job of advocating for our members
before congress and the administrative agen-
cies,” Voltmann says.
Photo by Walter Weart Transportwriter.com
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