April 2013 - page 172

172 | Business World Magazine |
April 2013
Luckily, Chathamwas alsomade home
by an entrepreneur namedMike Kilby. Some
years earlier, Kilby had established a com-
pany that specialized in marketing services
for the energy industry. The success of that
venture caught the attention of other en-
terprises, and later, upon receiving an offer
deemed as too good to decline, Kilby sold
his company to a larger firm. While he may
not have planned to go into manufactur-
ing at that point, Kilby heard the dismaying
news of Daymond’s closing and learned that
a pending auction would see the facility and
all its assets liquidated.
Kilby arranged tomeetwithkey former
management and labour teams to determine
whether there was consensus that operations
could be effectively turned around to restore
the company to vitality. With assurances and
confidence of the respective teams, an agree-
ment was forged and business plan drafted.
As for the new company, Kilby be-
stowed it with a name that pays homage to
his other, more essential, interests outside of
business. A family man, Kilby is a father of
three daughters respectively namedDanielle,
Alyssa and Justine. Borrowing from the first
letter from each name, Dajcor Aluminum
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