April 2013 - page 175

April 2013
| Business World Magazine | 175
customer service.” In the extrusion of alumi-
num, metal may be malleable, but the man-
dates of the manifesto were unalterable. The
directives called for unwavering attention to
detail in understanding exactly what custom-
ers want, and need, when seeking solutions
fromDajcor. Service guidelines also dictated
absolute and consistent quality in produc-
tion, and delivering on every assurance pro-
vided to a client, but not in a way that merely
satisfies orders, no, Dajcor set out to exceed
expectations. “A lot of companies may say
they focus on customer service, but this is
how we live and breathe here. Customer ser-
vice is what propels everything we do,” says
Young. Dajcor’s service efficiencies often led
them to under promise, but over deliver. For
example, orders that needed to be fulfilled
within four weeks were often completed in
only two. And today, when the demands on
their business are drastically different than
what existed when Kilby took over, Dajcor’s
delivery performance rates (just shy of 100
percent) are among the best of any industry
in North America.
Yet, to more fully account of Dajcor’s tran-
sition requires explanation of the second
principle in their strategy – diversification.
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