April 2013 - page 178

178 | Business World Magazine |
April 2013
facturing of engineeredmetal services, has ul-
timately allowed the company to achieve di-
versification in market penetration. Though
Dajcor has regained position as a supplier of
parts vital to the automotive industry (par-
ticularly roof racks), it additionally produces
components essential in the marine industry
and medical industry, as well as certain mili-
tary goods needed in the defense industry.
While budget cuts in defense may
see some of their business slow, Young says
Dajcor anticipates increased business in the
medical goods industry. Dajcor currently
provides various fixture components, such
as the aluminum consoles that complement
standard hospital beds. As they further pen-
etrate in that market, Young also says Da-
jcor is increasingly taking on more work in
the marine industry for which they already
provide rails, track components and goods
to which other hardware is affixed, such as
holding equipment.
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