April 2013 - page 171

April 2013
| Business World Magazine | 171
Failure is only a short-term condition, and fortunately, it of-
ten fosters more sustainable success. As Author Denis Wait-
ley once observed, “Failure is only a temporary change in
direction to set you straight for your next success.” In the
case of one Ontario-based metal engineering operation, such
changes in direction have not only inspired an increased ca-
pability to compete, but also greater capacity for claiming
further future success.
Though Dajcor’s corporate identity
was only established some three short years
ago, operations at its site actually com-
menced more than seventy years ago under
the auspices of a company formerly known
as Daymond Aluminum. Daymond thrived
throughout many, if not most, of its years,
but late in life, failed to endure following
operational follies which can be likened
to putting too many eggs into one basket.
Daymond was heavily vested in supplying
a particular product line for an automotive
manufacturer. As fate would have it, the
manufacturer ceased production of the vehi-
cle line and Daymond lost much of its busi-
ness. As sales dwindled and bills mounted,
Daymond ultimately went into receivership
and more than a hundred workers prepared
to lose their jobs. The situation posed a grim
economic blow to the community.
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