April 2013 - page 179

April 2013
| Business World Magazine | 179
The company will also invest in addi-
tions to its fabrication and machining capa-
bilities, as Young says, to further capture op-
portunities in the market.
Andwhile its customer basehas grown,
so too has Dajcor. Today, the company is em-
ploying a little more than a hundred people
and is contributing to the overall economic
stability of the community in which it oper-
ates. In his perspective, Young describes Daj-
cor as a “feel-good story of success.”
Success, of course, has a way of attract-
ing more success. When Michael Kilby de-
termined to restore vitality to the company,
thereweremanyprognostications that should
he be successful, that business achievement
might one day help in attracting new busi-
ness to the community of Chatham-Kent in
Ontario. Dajcor’s efforts to date have laid a
solid foundation for future success stories in
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