May 2015
| Business World
significantly make the client energy indepen-
dent. Rather than watching the utility rates
rise, you can control your own utility costs.”
Defined by Hodgkinson as being a merit-
based company, Mann Engineering gener-
ously dedicates plenty of time towards inter-
nal growth with an eye on the next chapter
in an always-evolving industry.
“Improving the overall productivity of the
company makes everyone’s life better and
more profitable,” he said. “We actively work
to train our employees to become energy ex-
perts and engineering experts, we try very
hard to train all of our employees to give
them the opportunity to learn on a day to
day basis.”
Building strong relationships has not been
just for their employees. Hodgkinson un-
derstands how importance it is to recognize,
adapt and improve on existing standards and
“As a company we’ve been around for 25
years and you don’t last that long without
identifying customers with similar goals,
whether it’s: financial saving, reducing main-
tenance or easing operations, we work very
closely with them so they can trust you,” he
said. “In this industry, it comes back to trust.
We try and treat our customers like gold,
cause without them, we wouldn’t be here.”
“We’re looking to increase our presence in
Ottawa, Hamilton, and London, Ontar-
io. We’re considering expanding to British
Columbia also,” Hodgkinson said. “We’re
always looking for new technologies, new
partners and new clients.”
With a niche area of expertise and a focus on
improving and solidifying their relationships
with core clients, Mann Engineering will be
providing power to the people for genera-
tions to come.