May 2015
| Business World
then help them implement it,” Hodgkinson
A participating exhibitor at the 2014 Con-
struct Canada Expo, Mann Engineering
took the experience as a means to grow their
influence, spread their message, and show-
case their extensive domain knowledge.
“It’s not every day that you get to talk to 100
people that have problems that you know the
answer to and they may not know the answer
to,” Hodgkinson said.
“We’re a very solutions oriented company
and when we talk to potential clients about
the problems they have, we find that we can
be very helpful to them because they’re not
the only ones going through that problem,”
he continued. “We’ve helped hundreds of
buildings with that type of issue - whether
it’s spending too much money on utilities or
HVAC system failures or just operations and
When it comes to marketing, Mann Engi-
neering relies on repeat customers as well as
maintaining its customer-facing presence. In
addition to the marketing benefits of trade
shows, Mann Engineering also takes every
opportunity to elevate their industry stand-
ing through educational speeches and edito-
“We also do speeches at various events for in-
dustry organizations, such as FRPO, ACMO
and GTAA, which do fantastic work, as well
as at the trade shows to promote education
to promote ourselves. I’ve written several ar-
ticles in industry magazines to complement
the speeches that I’ve done.”
Experts in getting incentives from various
levels of government and utility companies
for energy efficient work in the form of re-
bates of up to 50% of project costs, Mann
Engineering’s involvement in these programs
ensures peace of mind for their clients and a
new avenue of business for the company it-
“A lot of our clients don’t know about this,"
Hodgkinson said. "A lot of the market
doesn’t know about these opportunities.”
“By using a qualified and expert company to