Business World |
May 2015
handle these applications, you’ll reduce the
possibility of there being any problems with
it,” he continued. “It’s not uncommon for
incentive program administrators to ques-
tion calculations, methodologies, measures
and verifications plan, the only way to get
through that properly is using the best and
using the experienced.”
Maintaining the assets and applications of
their wide client base, Mann Engineering
prides itself on providing innovative tech-
nology that is new to the market.
“We’re really advancing the field of co-gen-
eration systems for buildings,” Hodgkinson
said. “This is where a building will burn nat-
ural gas itself to produce its own electricity
rather than taking electricity from the grid.
The process is relatively efficient and there
are significant cost savings as natural gas is
significantly cheaper than electricity in On-
“Furthermore, that process creates waste
heat, which can then be used for other areas
of the building,” he continued. “This type of
work can have a five-year payback, as well as,