May 2015
| Business World
If it sounds pricey, it’s definitely worth it. For
those not too familiar with the importance
of an energy audit, Hodgkinson explained it
using practical and simpler terms.
“An energy audit is basically like going to
a doctor for a checkup for your building,”
he said. “It looks at the health of the build-
ing, the energy consumption of a building,
the energy intensity of the building as well
as identifies opportunities for improvement
and quantifies those opportunities.”
A crucial component in a clients’ energy
management plan, the audit helps provide a
clearer picture and path to future savings –
considering both instantaneous energy con-
sumption to the full lifecycle analysis.
“If you increase the lifecycle of a piece of
equipment whether it’s a light bulb, a boiler
or a chiller, you’re reducing the need to re-
place it, which means you’re reducing the
amount of resources that get drawn into
the process,” Hogdkinson said. “From a life
cycle perspective, we’re actively pursuing
technologies and strategies which reduce the
lifecycle impact on global warming, resource
development and resource depletion.”
A dedicated group of mechanical and elec-
trical engineers, the team at Mann Engineer-
ing is constantly adapting to changes in the
market, and taking a natural progression to-
wards developing solutions consistent with
their core principles of saving energy and re-
ducing their environmental footprint. Cur-
rently, Mann Engineering is significantly ex-
panding into the solar photovoltaic (SPV)
market, a system which generates electricity
from the sun.