Business World |
May 2015
“We have over 10 megawatts in solar instal-
lations under development and we currently
operate 250KW, 125KW, 10KW systems,”
Hodgkinson said. “As we were developing
these core competencies with solar photovol-
taics it was natural that we’d get involved in
solar thermal, which includes heating water
and air through sun’s energy, so we’ve acted
as engineer and constructor for several solar
thermal projects as well.”
“With this understanding, we started ex-
panding into geothermal field which in-
volves using earth’s energy to compliment
the thermodynamic cycles which creates
heat or cooling for a building."
Like the automation systems they install,
Mann Engineering has proven – time and
again – they can adapt to changing condi-
tions across the design, retrofit and construc-
tion of energy efficient buildings and geo-
thermal projects.
“We’re always on the lookout for emerging
technologies, products, new strategies and
always trying to quantify the opportunity,
take it to our clients, explain to them and