Business World |
July 2015
Seamlessly merging design, building/renovation, and real estate, Future Living is
transforming the urban living landscape in Vancouver. Full-service and on the front
lines, the company boasts a portfolio of over 100 high-end commercial and resi-
dents projects and an extensive range of unique products that offer high function-
ality and aesthetically beautiful environments.
The old adage that opportunity comes to
those who wait is a flawed fallacy. Amore ap-
propriate epithet would be that opportunity
comes to the observant in the form of realiz-
ing a need and finding a solution. And when
you’re in one of the worlds most expensive
– and competitive real estate markets – Van-
couver, British Columbia – innovation and
insight are your biggest allies. Taking a prag-
matic approach, Future Living owner Kiafar
Ghaffari started his entrepreneurial endeav-
ors by targeting and tackling intimate and
personal properties.
“I used to purchase smaller size condos in
downtown Vancouver and remodel them