phy inspired him, and contin-
ues to inspire him today.
Under his leadership, _SA con-
tinues to do a multitude of
project types – everything from
city-shaping initiatives such as
light rail transit expansions, to
world class cultural attractions,
to single-family custom homes.
Most of the company’s current
work is generated from their
previous work. They usually
work with repeat clients, or for
clients who’ve admired their
past jobs and have specifically
sought them out.
According to Kevin, no matter
the client, budget, or building
sector, all _SA projects have a
goal in common – they are all
designed to “enhance the hu-
man experience.”
“That’s our fundamental pur-
pose,” he says. “We want to
enhance the human experi-
ence through functional and
compelling design. We want to
enhance the experience for all
of our clients, and for all those
who use our buildings.”
“As an office, we are inspired to
make our communities a better
place, we’re inspired to improve
the quality of life, we’re inspired
to do something new,” he adds.
“We’re here to make the world
better for those who experi-
ence our architecture. That’s
why we do what we do.”
He reiterates that it doesn’t
matter who the client is, or how
much money they are spend-
ing. _SA’s vision remains the
same. In fact, the variety in-
spires them, because it ensures
that no two projects are ever
the same, and the process can
never become rote.
“We like to look at every project
through new eyes,” Kevin says.
“They’re all exciting to us, and Proud to work with Sturgess Architecture on STEPS, Calgary Construction Management General Contracting Design Build BC | AB | ON 1-888-234-5222FEBRUARY - MARCH 2020