PARC Retirement Living is a
growing company, with three
future residences already in
various stages of development.
Victoria PARC is the first of the
proposed residences in the
works. It will be located at the in-
tersection of Fort, Quadra, and
Broughton streets in downtown
Victoria. It is set to become a “vi-
brant hub for people of all ages
to live, work and connect.”
Kelowna PARC will be up next,
and will be located at KLO and
Lakeshore Road in its beautiful
namesake city. The company is
currently in the application pro-
cess with City of Kelowna.
Coquitlam PARC, lastly, is sched-
uled for a little bit further down
the line, and is currently due
to arrive in the year 2024. The
company has already chosen
the site, however – it will be lo-
cated along Austin Avenue in
one of the Lower Mainland’s
largest and busiest suburbs.
According to Patrick Schilling,
who joined the company to aid
in the development of those
residences, all three will be lo-
cated in urban centres, and will
be well-integrated with their
local community. Some on-site
amenities will even be accessi-
ble to non-residents. That inte-
gration will allow residents to
remain closely connected with
the outside world, which is one
of PARC’s key values.
“We want to get rid of the stig-
ma that retirement homes are
happens next
“That’ll be about 10
years down the road,
and we’ll have 12 or
13 residences. Then
we’ll ask ourselves
what happens next.”