Kris believes that not a lot of
companies are doing that,
but it’s something that people
want – and Goodreau Sawmill
has always been responsive
to the wants and needs of the
market. Years ago, that’s why
they transitioned from doing
more mouldings and floorings
to more timber trusses and
beams. Today, it’s why they are
increasing their stock and con-
sidering pavilion and pergola
“You have to get into what peo-
plewant,” Kris says. “If you don’t,
you’ll fall behind. You have to
be willing to try new things. You
have to stay current.”
So Kris wants to continue evolv-
ing the company, but at the
same time, he also wants to
continue doing what they have
always been known for – which
is “putting out good work at
reasonable prices.”
“That’s the reason we’ve been
able to keep growing the com-
pany,” he says. “It’s why we’ve
been around for 30 years, and
why people keep coming back.
We work hard, we’re honest,
and we do the best we can. We
believe the minute we stop do-
ing that, our doors will shut.”
For more on Goodreau Sawmill, their prod-
ucts, and their variety of special wood
services – and to get in touch with Kris and
his team – visit