Integrous Women officially
commenced in November of
2017, which is when they host-
ed their first event, attended by
their first eight members. Right
from the beginning, Stephanie
figured they were on to some-
thing special.
“We had a group of inspiring
women come together, and
we went around the table and
everyone shared a deep chal-
lenge,” she recalls. “What we
found is that this was a safe
space. Women were coming in
with their authentic selves.”
“They were sharing some of the
harder things that they don’t
normally talk about, especial-
ly in a networking setting,” she
continues. “In these situations,
people typically come in and
they posture, they put on a dif-
ferent face, they’re not their
authentic selves. But this was a
different type of environment.
That’s the feedback I received,
and that has informed every-
thing we have done.”
In the roughly year-and-half
since that event, Integrous
Women has grown organical-