know ‘why’ you want to get
there,” she explains. “Most peo-
ple focus on the ‘how.’ They fo-
cus on the business model, the
logistics, how they going to get
from A to Z. They try to figure
out the steps they need to take.”
“That’s great, but first we need
to spend time figuring out who
we are and why we want the
things we want,” she continues.
“We need to be clear about our
purpose, about our central in-
terests and strengths.”
In Stephanie’s case, she figured
out her purpose was helping
others find their purpose, and
then helping them take the
steps they needed to take to get
where they want to go. In other
words, “inspiring and empower-
ing heart-centric leaders to take
action towards their dreams.”
“I love it when I can help some-
one,” she says. “I love it when I
can provide a resource, or con-
nect someone to the perfect
person who is going to help
them accelerate their path.”
That’s what Integrous Women
does through its various pro-
grams and events – they provide
women with resources, connec-
tions, they help them learn new
skills. But first, “the work has
to be done by the individual,”
Stephanie says. The individual
has to figure out their ‘why,’ and
Integrous Women helps them
figure out the ‘how.’
“We really listen
to our