they are not a business, they
are a social enterprise. Steph-
anie believes their non-profit
activities are just as important,
if not more so. She reiterates
that one of the ‘3Ps’ is “philan-
To organise their philanthro-
py, Integrous Women de-
vised something they call their
‘10/20/30 Sustainable Impact
The 10 represents the 10 per
cent of all the group’s proceeds,
which are invested in empower-
ment and menthal health pro-
grams at a partner orphanage
in Guatemala. The 20, mean-
while, is the percentage of their
membership dues they invest
in underserved women in part-
nership with non-profits such
as ‘My Safe Harbor’ and ‘Project
Self Sufficiency.’ The 30, final-
ly, is the per cent of time their
team and community supports
local charities and social en-
terprises, through workshops,
impact socials, and individual
Integrous Women is heavily
invested in that model, and
Stephanie is encouraged by the
tangible differences they have
already made in people’s lives.
One of the very first women
they originally sponsored, for
example, has since got out of
an abusive relationship, joined
one of the non-profit partners,
and is helping Integrous Wom-
en run that program.
Moving forward, those are the
kind of stories that Stephanie
hopes to continue creating, ex-
cept on a bigger scale. She says
the goal is to become a national
organization, and eventually an
international one. Though they
currently have members across
the United States, they only
have the one chapter in Orange
County, and they aim to intro-
duce more.
Stephanie also hopes to inspire
other organizations. She would
love to see other companies
adopt something similar to
their 10/20/30 model.
“I want to see more businesses
commit to being a social enter-
prise,” she says. “Don’t just do
corporate social responsibility,
don’t just donate money – in-
grain it into the DNA of your
organization. There’s a new mil-
lennial wave of workers coming
through, and I believe that’s
what they are seeking. They
want to make more of an im-
For more on Inte-
grous Women, what
they do, and what
they believe – and to
find out how to get
involved –
visit https://inte-