of the credit for the company’s
“Adisa Homes isn’t Joe Mac-
Mullin,” he says. “Adisa Homes
is a team. I’m looking forward
to grabbing that first Georgie
award, and then more after
that, and seeing the looks on
the faces of the team. I want to
make sure that they all know
that we did it together, that we
rose to that level together, and
that we’ll keep rising from here.”
Beyond that, Joe says he wants
to see Adisa Homes grow – but
grow very thoughtfully and
carefully, at a pace dictated by
them and never to them.
“I’ve seen it so much in the in-
dustry where a company is fully
staffed, gets busy, and then an
offer comes in on another proj-
ect,” Joe explains. “Too often,
the fix is ‘Oh, we have to quickly
find more managers.’ And then
the quality is compromised, or
morale suffers.”
“So I want to grow, but I want
to grow from roots,” he says. “I
don’t just want to add branch-
es. I want to bring in site techni-
cians and carpenters apprentic-
es and I want to give them the
opportunity to advance their
careers. I don’t want to bring
in new project managers. Even
if they’re the best of the best, I