January 2019
| Business World Magazine
to them getting the job every single time.
“We’re not going to get every job, we under-
stand that and we’re fine with that,” he says.
“But we do want to let our clients know that
they can come to us at any point in time with
any project, and we’ll be happy to sit down and
discuss it with them.”
Midwest Millwork already has relationships
with clients that go back 15 to 20 years, and
they are looking to create more of those long-
standing relationships moving forward. In the
past couple years alone, they have made en-
gaging with ongoing clients one of their top pri-
“We’re putting in the extra time and effort
in to working with clients more closely than we
ever have before,” Dave says. “We’re making
some real headway that approach. It’s amaz-
ing how much difference that seems to be
Moving forward, Midwest Millwork will
maintain that approach, and they hope it will
translate into more involvement on the major
institutional projects across the region – proj-
ects such as the Peter Lougheed Hall at the
University of Alberta, which is among the com-
pany’s proudest achievements so far.
The Peter Lougheed Hall is a distinct stu-