June 2015
| Business World
“Awards are a nice capping to what is usually
a long road to realize a good design,” he add-
ed. “I think the reward is the fact that you
complete the design and the relief of know-
ing it was completed to the best of your abil-
ity. When you get an award from your peer
group, it's always very nice, but I think the
building is the reward.”
When looking towards the future of Kearns
Mancini Architects, it's about continuing
their hard work and dedication to making
the city of Toronto a better place. One with
architecture that reflects community and the
human spirit, as opposed to the highly engi-
neered concrete jungle of years passed. Con-
tinuing that plan means finding clients who
share the same values, and Kearns hopes to
acquire more projects similar to their work
on George Brown College and the Univer-
sity of Toronto.
“We hope to participate in more post-sec-
ondary education projects,” he said. “We're
looking for clients who appreciate our ear-
nest and meticulous approach to architec-
ture and making good buildings that are sus-
tainable and a valuable cultural contribution