BWM - Jan 2015 - page 77

January 2015
| Business World
facilities, higher education, all the way to
professional sports venues and airports. One
of the company's proudest achievements was
being selected to handle the Pentagon re-
model following the September 11th, 2001,
terrorist attacks. Scott explains, "They se-
lected us to come out to DC, and obviously
there's plenty of options between here [Col-
orado] and there, to stay for three years to
work on a project at the Pentagon. That was
done because they know our work, and we
have a strong relationship with our custom-
ers. We're very proud of it."
Recently, they completed two of the largest
projects in the company's 35 year history.The
Pueblo County Judicial Building in Pueblo,
Colorado and St Anthony's North Hospital
located in Westminster, Colorado. The proj-
ects monetary size tallies up to nearly $2.5M
and just over $3M respectively.
Looking towards the future, Concepts in
Millwork plans to move forward with con-
trolled growth, maintaining their ability to
meet the demand and bring their clients cus-
tom millwork dreams to life. The company
remains committed to delivering unparal-
leled customer service for their clients and
beautifully designed millwork fixtures.
Internally, one of their biggest goals is to fully
transition ownership fromBob to Stephanie.
This will continue the family legacy as well
as make it a female-owned business. Scott
and Stephanie look forward to guiding the
team into the next generation of excellence
in millwork services.
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