BWM - Jan 2015 - page 74

Business World |
January 2015
teamwork and looks forward to sharing
the honor with the staff, "We'll have a get-
together with everyone in the company and
share that news because it's the employees
that make the difference here. It's exciting to
share with them that somebody unbiased ac-
tually looks at what we do and appreciates it
enough to honor us."
"Everyone here contributed to that." Scott
adds. "Whether they were driving a truck,
cleaning offices, building or estimating, ev-
eryone played a part. We've been at it a long
time, and sometimes you lose sight of wheth-
er anyone notices what you're doing. It was
an exciting award for sure."
Leading theway intechnologyhas beena core
value instilled from the company's founder.
Scott says, "Concepts has always been driven
to upgrade and stay on the cutting edge." The
use of technology and innovating upon tech-
niques and business practices is an integral
part of any business, and Concepts in Mill-
work is a practice with openness to change.
"A lot of folks are afraid of change." Scott
says. "But I think that's something we've al-
ways embraced here; to try something new.
Knowing that if it doesn't work, we can redi-
rect. We've never assumed that the way we're
doing things today is the best and only way
to do it, there may be a better way."
Stephanie stresses the importance of their
staff to forward progress, and by valuing
their thoughts and ideas, the company can
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