Business World |
February 2015
“Our mission is to create amazing media
systems that integrators enjoy installing as
much as their customers love using. We’re all
about giving them the fastest and most in-
tuitive way to store, control and experience
their media content.”
In just a few short years, FIRE-FX has gar-
nered a great deal of industry recognition. In
January alone, they received both the 2015
Media Server Product of the Year award
from Electronic House Magazine and the
2015 Media Management Product of the
Year accolade at the CEA Mark of Excel-
lence Awards − the second consecutive year
they’ve won the award − for their innovative
UPLAY Universal Player. Larry points out
it’s a “badge of honour” to be in the com-
pany of other industry giants such as Savant,
Elan, Crestron and Sony.
“It’s really exciting to be recognized by our
industry as a small business,” he proclaims.
“We’re recognized daily by our customers
and when they buy our product, we know
it’s a vote for us. But when you have industry
professionals recognizing our product for
the excellent work we’ve put into it, it means
a lot to our business. We’re going to strive