How many
members do you have? Do you know
roughly an exact count?
We’ve got about 1,100 or so
locations in our member database, which is
just over one-third, probably close to one-
half of themarket.
Are there any
other organizations out there that are
similar to yours?Or competitive to yours?
No, not really. As far as the boat
dealers go, and boat and engine retailers,
we’re the only national association there.
There are, of course, a number of
associations serving our industry – we just
come at it from the dealers’ standpoint to
help them grow. Our members are the part
of the industry that interact with the boater
every single day, either selling them a boat,
servicing their boat, selling them parts or
services, or equipment or accessories, or
146 | BusinessWorld |
June-July 2014