environmental groups such as American
Rivers and the National Resources Defense
Council because our green roof and wall
p r o du c t s d e l i v e r ma ny t a ng i b l e
e n v i r o n m e n t a l b e n e f i t s . T h e
environmental groups work with us,
because we're trying to manage stormwater,
reduce the urban heat island, grow food,
clean the air and provide additional space,
and preserve biodiversity. Our products
contribute directly to those goals. We work
with industries and associations and
environmental groups in a variety of
different ways. Globally, there are green
roof and wall industry associations in more
than 18 countries, and they are members of
the World Green Infrastructure Network,
which is meeting in Sydney Australia this
October7-9, 2014.
BUSINESS WORLD: You mentioned all
those groups you work with, and you can
correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems like
more people are paying attention to these
sorts of factors these days. People are
worried about sustainability and green
building and everything like that, more so
than back in '97 like you said when very few
people had even heard of the term 'green
roof ', let alone knew what it meant. Do you
agree and is this a good time to be doing
this?When more people seem interested in
what you're doing than10 years ago?
I think we'vemade a lot of progress
but we have a long- way to go. Ultimately
116 | BusinessWorld |
July-August 2014