group, we're an advocacy group, we do this,
we do that – that's what they plant their flag
in the ground for and that's what their based
about. Do you consider yourself an
educational group? You just mentioned
advocacy, is that something you feel is your
strongpoint? Is it something else?
I wouldn't say we do one thing only
– I think we punch above our weight class
for the size of our organization. Education
is really a big part of what we do, because all
of the green roof professionals have to do
continuing education credits to maintain
their standing. The actual industry is
evolving very quickly. There's new science
coming out, so we also work with scientists
– that's the other group we work closely
wi th . We 're a ver y s c i enc e -ba s ed
organization, so we encourage science. We
have a whole track on science at our
conference. We have a research committee.
We have an academic, peer-reviewed green
roof and wall journal called the Journal of
Living Architecture. We facilitate scientific
July-August 2014
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