February 2014
| Business World Magazine | 99
good understanding of the investment crite-
ria that investors are looking for.
“We separate ourselves from everybody
through our reputation for quality,” Burkett
says. “In anything you do, your reputation is
The company’s solid reputation is some-
thing they’ve earned time and time again
with each project, which are thoroughly
planned and “overproduced,” Burkett says.
“Our projects overproduce energy, which
helps bring repeat business with investors
because of the reassurance we provide them.
They don’t have to worry about if their sys-
tem is operating at full capacity or just barely
meeting the minimum requirements.”
“Most of our solar projects that we have
built, overproduce approximately 13 to 23
percent of what is expected from the inves-
tors,” he adds.
ESA Renewables’ complete package of