BWM Feb 2014 - page 37

February 2014
| Business World Magazine | 37
ponent of a wireless network to be changed
The cost to upgrade to LTE can be dramat-
ic for small wireless carriers. The equipment
at the core of the network can cost millions
and requires a completely different employee
skill set as compared to the 2G and 3G net-
works it replaces. Seeing the need, ClearSky
made the investment in an LTE core network
and put it into their cloud. ClearSky’s LTE
Services Suite now enables small carriers to
vastly decrease the investment they need to
make to build and operate a new LTE net-
work. In the ClearSky model, carriers only
need to invest in the tower equipment. The
rest of the LTE network runs in a private, se-
cure cloud.
Like the fluffy examples in a summer sky,
clouds are an ever present but seldom no-
ticed part of our everyday lives. In a simi-
lar way, cloud computing brings a multitude
of features and functionality to our favorite
mobile devices without us ever having to
contemplate the technical heavy lifting that
makes it all possible. Hidden within these
complex clouds, ClearSky continues to help
evolve and operate the ever changing wireless
networks consumers have become so reliant
upon, invisible to everyone except the wire-
less industry insiders. “We are very content
to be invisible to consumers, making their
mobile life better without them ever know-
ing it,” states Fresonke.
Perhaps ClearSky is not such an ironic
name after all.
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