BWM Feb 2014 - page 31

February 2014
| Business World Magazine | 31
Delivering Quality
Service Through Small
Cell Technology
Small cell technology offers a cost-
effective way to increase network
coverage, especially in remote or rural
areas. NEC’s small cell solutions are
tailored to resolve coverage problems,
including simultaneous coverage for
large numbers of hot spot users and
insufficient coverage areas.
tated by an early generation cloud-based net-
work. Meanwhile, Poellmitz had gone on
to found a company known as Cerulean, an
enterprise that pioneered mobile computing
in law enforcement. Cerulean was the leader
in equipping police cars with a laptop com-
puter wirelessly connected to their respective
state databases, allowing law enforcement to
rapidly access warrant information or crimi-
nal background on a vehicle operator dur-
ing traffic stops. It was a breakthrough that
has become so valuable virtually no law en-
forcement agency can function without it
today. Poellmitz ultimately sold his interest
in Cerulean and went on to join forces with
Fresonke at Data on Air just in time to help
shepherd the sale of the company to a San
Francisco-based dotcom during the Internet
boom in the year 2000.
The dotcom crash that followed shortly
thereafter saw investors running for the hills
as their companies crashed in the ditch.
With the newparent in deep trouble, Freson-
ke and Poellmitz acquired many of the cloud
computing assets of the original Data on Air
and retooled them into the foundation on
which ClearSky Technologies was created.
The new company was making significant
advances when the New York terror attacks
of September 11, 2001, prompted not only
the crash of the World Trade Center towers,
but also turmoil for many unrelated indus-
tries. As Fresonke recalls, during the first two
years that followed the tragedy, investment
in telecomm and wireless came to a grinding
halt. During this ensuing period of declin-
ing business in the U.S., ClearSky was able
to capitalize on inroads that Poellmitz had
made in Latin America, and the company
went on to become a leading provider of
hosted data services, running mobile brows-
ing and messaging applications for carriers in
locations as widespread as Mexico, Colom-
bia, Venezuela, Peru, Chile, and Uruguay.
After five-plus years of success in the
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