BWM Feb 2014 - page 41

February 2014
| Business World Magazine | 41
One of the most recognized brands on the
planet is once again spreading its wings and
introducing more people to a distinctively
tacky yet unrefined version of happiness.
Encouraged by the consumer response
to several initiatives designed to improve
the guest experience, Atlanta-based Hoot-
ers of America is encountering renewed in-
terest among new and existing franchisees
to invest in new store development oppor-
After opening 17 new restaurants last
year, including a company-operated proto-
type conversion on International Drive in
Orlando, Hooters is seeing its momentum
build. With a new store development pipe-
line quickly approaching 100 units to be
opened over the next four years, the brand
is poised for accelerated growth, and local-
ly-owned and operated franchise outlets
will drive nearly all of that growth in new
and existing markets.
That blueprint would significantly
change the company’s current ratio of fran-
chise-owned to corporate-owned facilities.
According to Mark Whittle, senior vice
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