February 2014
| Business World Magazine | 33
sophisticated Web interactions but it was
ringtones that got many people started... we,
who were supposedly the industry experts,
never would have guessed that the musical
tail that would wag the data dog... and once
it got started people demanded more.” To
deliver the musical magic, ClearSky built
ringtone content servers, cut deals with all
the major record labels, and connected into
carrier billing systems so consumers could
buy with a single click. Ringtones could
now be delivered from the ClearSky cloud
and dozens and dozens of carriers were able
to quickly and easily get into the ringtone
As the array of services that a phone could
deliver continued to grow, ClearSky expand-
ed the array of available cloud services, build-
ing and operating the infrastructure that
powers all that technical capability consum-
ers have come to expect. Specialized services
such as text messaging and picture messag-
ing were added to the suite of services with
the help of industry-leading software part-
ners such as Jinny Software out of Dublin,
Ireland. In this case, Jinny’s specialized soft-
ware was combined with ClearSky’s cloud
infrastructure and delivery mechanisms.
“Our entire business is driven by making
sure the computing platforms that are neces-
sary for delivering value-added services and
wireless network enhancements are available
for rapid deployment at cost effective prices.
We partner with world class software and in-
frastructure companies and together we de-
velop these cutting edge cloud services,” says
Fresonke. With three data centers currently
operating in the U.S., ClearSky has invested
in the computing equipment and technical
resources that eliminate the need for wireless
carriers to invest in this same equipment and
software and then hire and train the people
needed to operate it. “Carriers can invest
in differentiating themselves in the market,
while we take care of adding essential capa-
bilities to the devices,” says Fresonke.
The proficiency of the wireless industry in
bringing such a wide range of interesting ser-
vices to mobile devices has created the next
set of problems the industry needs to solve;
namely growing network capacity, expand-
ing coverage and increasing data transmis-
sion speeds. The exploding use of the wire-
less for data and voice is now overloading
carrier networks and the load is increasing
with every person walking out of a store