BWM Feb 2014 - page 29

February 2014
| Business World Magazine | 29
that a company named ClearSky Technolo-
gies, based in Orlando, Florida, provides
many of these “cloud computing” services to
the wireless industry.
ClearSky has been an industry-leading
innovator of services that add functional-
ity, increase coverage, and enhance capacity
for over a decade. Today, ClearSky services
more than 60 wireless operators throughout
North and South America. From interactive
messaging platforms for SMS and MMS to
a first-of-its-kind small cell gateway, Clear-
Sky’s services have allowed regional wireless
carriers to stay competitive, and for national
carriers, it is quickly deploying targeted solu-
tions to service specific target markets.
Text messaging and mobile Internet access
has become such a common capability that it
seems increasingly difficult to consider how
the world could have ever functioned before
these services came into existence. ClearSky
founders Bill Poellmitz and Dean Fresonke
were among the experts who helped usher in
a new era of wireless data communications.
Throughout the 1980s and early 1990s,
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