BWM April 2014 - page 115

April 2014
| Business World Magazine | 115
bringing everything back from the Far East,
we’re nearing 95 percent domestic manufac-
turing. It is one of our biggest selling points,
and is becoming of greater importance to
our client base year after year.”
MGI applies “Made in America” stick-
ers to all the products it produces in Texas,
whichMeredith said is more than 93 percent
of the company’s entire production output.
“There are very few things that we go to
China for,” he said. “That is a point of pride,
but it’s also become a major buying criterion
with clients. They love it, it’s good for our
country, and they share our pride in keep-
ing jobs in the U.S. Additionally, it actually
provides them other benefits in cycle time,
accountability and reach. They can reach us.
They can get to us, just like they have been
doing for the past 68 years.”
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