BWM April 2014 - page 121

April 2014
| Business World Magazine | 121
Congress should work together on a broad-
based agenda to create more than 20,000
manufacturing jobs a month, boost indus-
trial production by 4.5 percent annually and
grow the economy by at least 3.5 percent or
more annually.
Those goals are ambitious – but very
much in reach – and we can get there. The
NAM has developed new programs, tools
and tactics to advance manufacturers’ policy
priorities. We are bringing manufacturers
together, creating a powerful and influential
coalition that is reaching lawmakers and ef-
fectively impacting public policy.
That approach works. Despite the back-
drop in Washington – a Congress that can’t
accomplish very much and an administra-
tion that is driving its agenda through ex-
ecutive actions – the NAM has won policy
victories for manufacturers and also set the
stage for future gains. As Washington has
grown more aggressive in advancing policies
that hurt manufacturers’ competitiveness,
we have become more aggressive in pushing
Our advocacy tools help advance more
policy issues than ever before. On issues as
wide-ranging as comprehensive immigration
reform to affordable energy and internation-
al trade fairness, our campaigns engage poli-
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