BWM April 2014 - page 123

April 2014
| Business World Magazine | 123
cymakers and the public through traditional
and social media and stir up the grassroots.
The NAM spurs lawmakers back in their
districts to take action. We hold lawmakers
accountable, ensuring that they can’t say one
thing in Washington and another to their
Today, policy battles are increasingly be-
ing fought in the courts. To strengthen our
capacity to engage in the courts on behalf of
our members, theNAM launched theManu-
facturers’ Center for Legal Action. Through
the center, the NAM has enhanced its capa-
bility to bring legal strategies to bear across
the full range of organizational policy priori-
ties. Our legal engagements touch a variety
of subject areas important to our members,
from product liability to labor to interna-
tional law.
Indeed, when a major issue that affects
the business community is being debated in
Washington, the NAM is front and center
because manufacturers are a powerful and in-
fluential constituency. Manufacturing has an
outsized impact on the economy, and manu-
facturers have a presence in every congressio-
nal district. As a result, the NAM is better
positioned than ever to drive an agenda that
works for manufacturers, not just this year
but in the years ahead.
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