42 | Business World Magazine |
March 2013
A little more than a century ago, a relatively
small commercial laundry was established
near Lake Superior in Wisconsin, which ini-
tially prospered by catering to the needs of
commercial shippers sailing the great lakes.
With the modern era came shifts in market
force demands that prompted service to oth-
er industries, but over time, other changes
would occur. From challenges by larger com-
petitors to disputes with organized labor,
the little company eventually languished for
life and was all but fully dead before a rather
modest, but methodical man emerged to not
only restore life to the company, but guide
its growth to the future. Today, Lake Superi-
or Laundry encompasses three locations and
garners distinction as a leader in its field, but
it has accomplished that by solely focusing
on providing a cost effective, quality solu-
tion to heath care organizations whose ster-
ile linen needs are never ceasing.
Confucius once said, “A superior man is
modest in his speech, but exceeds in his ac-
tions.” Max Blaufuss, the visionary who so
successfully transformed this laundry enter-
prise, still modestly regards it as “a little guy
in a land of giants.” Yet, through Blaufuss’
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