March 2013
| Business World Magazine | 35
rior to their competitors, Seaman explains,
adding they’re very advanced technologi-
cally in their industry. It is used for billing, as
well as an effective linen management soft-
ware program helping hospitals efficiently
manage their linen utilization and costs.
“We provide a lot of reports and data for
our customers, whereas nobody else does,” he
says. “We do more than just the laundry – we
are truly a linen management organization.”
Apart of that linen management is ex-
change carts that have pre-determined quo-
tas of linens set up in pars for each unit with-
in a hospital. The quotas of linen items are
designed to last for a specific period of time,
which is usually 24 hours. Each day, the de-
pleted cart is removed from the nursing unit
and replaced with a new cart with the full
quota. This unique process is a service their
competitors can’t match in terms of qual-
ity, Seaman says. “The program calculates
the number of various linen items required
bringing the cart up to its established quota
and a pick ticket is printed and placed on the
cart so the linen staff may refill the cart ready
for delivery the next day.”
Centerstone processes and delivers more
than 420,000 pieces of linen each day, mak-
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