182 | Business World Magazine |
March 2013
trampoline without the benefit of Peterson
Spring’s extension springs (cylindrical model
with hook at each end) that connect the mat
to a frame creating tension that ultimately
facilitates the bounce into the air. Without
such, there can be no jump for joy. Of course,
the implications are much graver when en-
countering a faulty elevator or airplane land-
ing gear. The fact that so many rely on the
dependability, durability and quality exact-
ed through the critical expertise of Peterson
Spring, goes a long way toward validating the
firm’s position as the go-to authority for en-
gineered metal mastery.
And regardless of the application, Pe-
terson Spring employs the full measure of
its talent and engineering tenacity to pro-
vide the customized designs, manufactured
materials, and responsive service in such a
way as to not simply get a passing grade, but
outscore everyone else in industry. As Don
Lowe explains, “We have a mantra here and
it appears on every presentation… it is living
mantra carried in the heart of every employ-
ee, which says ‘Discipline in all we do’ … we
emphasize integrity and we insist on excel-
lence. For us, satisfying a customer isn’t good
enough. We strive to exceed expectations in
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