134 | Business World Magazine |
March 2013
years, Parmerlee has rolled out a reimaging
program to further evolve the dining expe-
rience within Golden Chick. Explaining the
vision to distinguish Golden Chick, Parmer-
lee offers an observation on other environ-
ments: “There are some places where you
just wouldn’t think of eating inside ... think
of the older units affiliated with some chains
that have bright orange or bright red plastic
booths and long tube fluorescent lighting
that scream fast food.”
Golden Chick interiors today are mod-
ernizing through the incorporation of con-
temporary color schemes, canned-lighting
enhancements, real wooden tables and
touches that impart a more bistro-esque aes-
thetic. Quality food and quality service in a
comfortable, casual, but classy environment,
this is what Parmerlee anticipates in his din-
ing experiences, and these are the very in-
gredients that his brand is offering to guests
today. There’s no doubt, The Golden Rule
prevails at Golden Chick.
For all his focus on enhancing the menu and
interior décor, Parmerlee has manifested an
equal amount ofmental fortitude in develop-
Mark Palmerlee