February 2013
| Business World Magazine | 145
According to the whimsical wisdom of Dr. Seuss, with brains in head and
feet within shoes, you can steer in any direction you happen to choose. And
indeed, business-minded brains and feet-in-shoes certainly figure in one
American manufacturer’s direct rise to the top in what remains a highly
specialized industry - and no pun intended, it’s a footing they’ve fostered
for more than 100 years.
During a recent city emergency, a fireman was responding to the
call of duty and precariously perched upon an extension ladder to
reach the upper heights of a building when a bad situation was made
worse. A misinterpreted command from a ground unit prompted
the push of a lever that suddenly caused the automated ladder to
detract before the fireman had time to react. His boot became en-
snared between the ladder’s rungs as thousands of pounds of pres-
sure were instantly, and forcibly, focused on crushing his foot.
In another city, at another time, a loving wife thought to sur-
prise her husband by giving him some new gear for those motorcycle
rides in which he reveled. Unsure as to exactly what to buy, she came
across a style of boots that seemed appropriate and later presented
them as a gift. Weeks later, as fate would have it, her husband was in
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