February 2013
| Business World Magazine | 149
could produce some 60 pairs of boots per
day. As their reputation for quality spread,
and national distribution resources grew, the
company began producing more than 2,000
pairs per day. Weinbrenner then decided to
open a larger manufacturing facility. That
factory was equipped with its self-sustain-
ing power plant on a bottom floor which
not only allowed the operation to save on
production costs, but also helped it garner
national acclaim in architectural journals
of that era. Over the decade that followed,
the company branched into dress shoes for
women and children, and was so busy that it
engagedmore leather clippers than any other
industry in America.
Weinbrenner’s primary focus was
trade-specific functionality, what he called
"Job-fitted" design. He saw an opportunity
to create shoes customized for the diverse,
differentiated needs of tradesmen, frommin-
ers and linemen to steelworkers and more.
That “job-fitted” aspect would be called to
duty with the breakout of World War I. By
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