February 2013
| Business World Magazine | 147
important our work is ... how much people
depend on our footwear. From its craftsman-
ship and durability to its quality, it has to per-
form as needed, when needed, and we take
that seriously.” In fact, Miner asserts that his
company manufacturers something beyond
mere shoes, it is “essential equipment.”
In the way of branding, say, in that
baseball, hot dogs, apple pie and Chevrolet
kind-of-way, if the name of Weinbrenner
isn’t instantly recognizable, rest assured, the
people that depend on their footwear are
readily familiar. They include firemen, po-
licemen, construction and chemical industry
workers, as well as American military forces
that serve our nation here and abroad. These,
for whom this nation depends to perform
dangerous tasks and safeguard our security,
entrust the safeguarding and security of their
feet to Weinbrenner Shoe Company. But to
be sure, this shouldn’t be considered a new,
or even recent, development. Weinbrenner’s
distinction as a leading manufacturer and
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